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Custom Training: At Your Location (16 hrs)
Intro to Aquatics: "Aquatic Therapy Bootcamp" (4 hr video and manual)
1 Yr All-Access Pass - Choose ANY 16 Hrs of ATU Webinars
The Impact of Aquatic Therapy on Psychosocial Health and Well-Being (3 hr)
Aquatic Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis (3 hrs)
Breaking Waves of Pain: Incorporating Pain Neuroscience Education w/ Aquatics
Brain Wave: Aquatic Cognitive-Motor Rehabilitation (3 hrs)
12 Ways for the OT/PT/RT to Progress ANY exercise/ activity: Adult & Peds (3 hr)
50 Novel Aquatic Therapy Ideas for PT, OT, RT & Other Providers (2 hrs)
Aquatic Sensory/Motor Integration for Pediatric (3 hr w/ manual))
Aquatic Therapy for OT: Techniques, Benefits, Best Practices (2 hr)
Evidence-Based Aquatic Therapy for Balance Disorders & Fall Risk (3 hr)
Aquatic Therapy for Pediatric Obesity, Weakness, Incontinence (3 hrs)
Innovative Aquatic Therapy Options for Low Back Pain Patients (1 hr)
The Definitive Aquatic Precautions and Contraindictions List (1 hr)
Evidence-Based Aquatic Therapy for the Total Knee Replacement (1 hr)
8 Ways to Explode Patient Satisfaction with Aquatic Therapy (1 hr)
Don’t Get Sunk, Use the Trunk: Innovative Aquatic Pediatric (1 hr)
Course Manual: Aquatic Therapy for the SLP (color PDF download)