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Why Do We Keep Doing Mediocre Research in Aquatic Therapy (and How Do We Fix It)?

Writer's picture: Andrea SalzmanAndrea Salzman

As a physical therapist with extensive experience assisting numerous PT and OT students with their theses and capstone projects, I spend a lot of time looking at the literature. And, though we are getting better at it, aquatic therapy research remains in need of significant refocusing. So what areas should we spend our research time on?

What are the Best Aquatic Therapy Research Ideas?

The study by Luo, L., Wang, X., & Song, N. (2021), titled "Review and Prospect of International Aquatic Training Research--Based on Visualization Analysis of Big Data Literature," offers a concise overview of aquatic training research. Here are the key takeaways:

1. Global Trends and Research Focus: The study highlights the increasing global interest in aquatic training, with a significant rise in publications over recent years. The research primarily focuses on the therapeutic benefits of aquatic exercise for various populations, including those with musculoskeletal disorders, neurological conditions, and chronic diseases.

2. Therapeutic Benefits: Aquatic therapy has been shown to improve physical function, reduce pain, and enhance quality of life in patients with conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia. The buoyancy and resistance properties of water provide a low-impact environment that is particularly beneficial for individuals with joint pain and mobility issues.

3. Neurological Conditions: The study emphasizes the positive effects of aquatic therapy on neurological conditions, such as stroke and Parkinson's disease. Aquatic exercises improve balance, gait, and motor function, which are critical for rehabilitation in these populations.

4. Mental Health: Aquatic therapy has also been found to have significant mental health benefits, including reductions in anxiety and depression, and improvements in mood and psychological well-being. This is particularly relevant for populations with chronic pain and disability, where mental health is often a concern.

5. Future Research Directions: The study suggests that future research should focus on standardizing protocols for aquatic therapy, exploring long-term effects, and conducting high-quality randomized controlled trials to strengthen the evidence base. There is also a call for more research on the mechanisms underlying the benefits of aquatic therapy.

6. Visualization Analysis: The use of big data and visualization techniques in the study provides a clear picture of the research landscape, identifying key areas of focus and gaps in the literature. This approach helps in understanding the evolution of research trends and guiding future studies.

In summary, the study by Luo et al. underscores the broad therapeutic benefits of aquatic therapy across various conditions, highlights the need for standardized protocols, and calls for further high-quality research to solidify the evidence base.


Luo, L., Wang, X., & Song, N. (2021, January). Review and Prospect of International Aquatic Training Research--Based on Visualization Analysis of Big Data literature. In 2021 International Conference on Information Technology and Contemporary Sports (TCS) (pp. 241-248). IEEE.

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Feb 04

Thanks for writing this easily digestible summary! As I work on my aquatic programming for my research, it's helpful to keep in mind what the needs are overall. I may not have the resources to get a 7 or 8 on the PEDro scale at this point, but I'm working towards it in the future. It's inspiring to see the helpfulness of AT become better understood and more researched!


Jan 22
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

These are ideas I have been trying to incorporate into my research, but haven't found as much literature on.


Jan 20
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Nice summary

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