Why Water Can Bring Children Hope
Crushing Pain
Tips for the Pediatric Therapist: Overcoming a Child’s Fear of the Water
The Decision Matrix: Costs of Building & Maintaining a Therapy Pool
Depth-Specific Aquatic Therapy
The Power of the Pool: Why Water for Our Seniors?
Pool Power: Aquatic Training & Rehab for the Elite Athlete
Balance training with a cognitive twist
Ask Andrea: Renting a community pool for aquatic therapy
Research on Aquatic Plyometrics
Neonatal Hydrotherapy on the NICU
Guest Post: Regulation & Inspection of Your Pool
Andrea's "Chopped" Challenge
Guest Post: Renting a Therapy Pool
Refusing access for HIV? ADA Complaints
Ask Andrea: Does Hepatitis C transmit in the pool?
Sample Webinar: A 60 Minute Freebie for Ya!
Top Reasons Aquatic Therapy Will Disappear in the Next Decade
Any Legal Issues if PT or OT Providers Offer Aquatic Fitness Instruction?
Sample Business Plan for Swim School